Hosting the live streaming of The Behavioral Economics Summit for Startups in Israel this August

My friend Abigail Tenembaum and I are both behavioral economics sworn fans and now we have the huge privilege of delivering the above incredible gift from Dan Ariely to about 20 Israeli startups. If your startup fits the bill, apply! It will change how you … Continue readingHosting the live streaming of The Behavioral Economics Summit for Startups in Israel this August

[animated presentation] The Secret Ingredient in Kickstarting Ideas that Spread Far and Wild

Inspring stories of successful entrepreneurs, artists, visionaries who follow their passion for an idea. They all share a healthy disrespect for the traditional way of getting things done and a flair for the New Media. Key viral marketing strategies and the secret ingredient in their … Continue reading[animated presentation] The Secret Ingredient in Kickstarting Ideas that Spread Far and Wild

How to Successfully Finance Your Startup in Every Stage of Development

This presentation, used in a recent New Media Entrepreneurship Workshop for Israeli Startup founders, covers: The pros and cons of different equity capital sources (financing by founders, friends and family, angels and Venture Capitals). How to create and deliver effective investment raising presentations. The big … Continue readingHow to Successfully Finance Your Startup in Every Stage of Development